Allow me to help you access your Soul Wisdom.
Spirit-based hypnotherapy, located in Narberth PA offers Past Life Regression, Future Life Progression and Meet Your Spirit Guide sessions. My training in past life hypnotherapy was with the Institute of Neurolinguistic Programing (iNLP), multiple workshops with Brian Weiss and an long history of self-exploration in communication with my own Spiritual team.
In addition to my work in Spirit-based hypnotherapy, I am a licensed massage therapist with a focus on Compassionate Touch and Lomilomi massage. For a truly immersive experience, you may select a combined session that starts with 30 min of bodywork (massage/reiki) before progressing into hypnotherapy. This is especially useful for clients who have difficulty relaxing or who have never experienced hypnotherapy or guided visualization.
Why Hypnotherapy?
We are all much more than what is immediately visible to others (and ourselves!) Our roots run deep and hold memories that shape how we experience the world. Hypnotherapy - whether focused on past life, future life or spirit guidance - can help you to reconnect with forgotten strengths, desires and your purpose. It can also be a way to gently heal through grief and reframe perceived hurts and failures.
The process is very simple and is 4 basic steps:
1) Pre-session discussion of goals, intentions, concerns and questions.
2) Specific guided visualization to help relax both body and mind
3) The Journey (Past Life or Spirit Guidance)
4) Post session debrief
What if I don't really believe in Past Lives and am not sure if I have Spirit Guides?"
It absolutely does not matter AT ALL if your personal beliefs do or do not include past lives, spirit guides or angels (or any specifically defined thing). Our session will help you to access your sub-conscious which speaks in images, and metaphors (like waking dreams). What you learn from this session is valuable whether you think of it as a "past life", "spirit message" or "information from my deeper self".
Past Life Regression / Future Progression
The intention of a past life regression session is to use a combination of techniques from meditation, guided visualization and hypnosis to assist the client in accessing soul-level information regarding past (and sometimes future) lives.
The session focuses on understanding why, of all the possible lives (past or future) that could have been shown, this one was chosen. How is it significant to the current life? What lessons were learned? At the end of the session is a death scene. this is not at all scary, 90% of the time it is a peaceful event, and even if that is not the case, you are watching it like a movie and not afraid or in discomfort. The purpose of the death scene is to disengage with the body and be able to review from an objective place, the insights gained. You are often joined at this time by a Spirit guide or Angel.
Spirit Guidance
While the process for a spiritual regression is very much the same as described for a past life regression, clients requesting spiritual connection generally hold an intention to find specific guidance about an issue in their lives. The goal of the session is to bring them into a place where they can meet and have some quiet, personal time with their Spiritual Team (whether that is an Angel, Spirit Guide, religious figure, Spirit guide or their own Highest Self.
This work is specifically helpful for those seeking to:
Work on inner growth and seeking a more direct connection
Heal from grief or loss
Better understand their strengths and goals
Forgive and understand (others and themselves)
Combination Bodywork with Hypnotherapy
Massage/reiki assist clients in reaching deep relaxation prior to the hypnotherapy work. We will start with clarifying your intentions for the session. While each experience is unique, a typical session might start with energy work (reiki and other) followed by massage, finishing with reflexology. Crystals and essential oils are often included if the client is open to that work as well. This portion of the session is about 30 minutes.
Following the bodywork, we will begin the hypnotherapy process with a guided imagery journey that progressively deepens the client into a trance state where they may be able to connect to a past life, a future life or a guidance session with their spiritual team. This portion of the session is between 60 and 90 minutes.